Scanning166 Xerox ® WorkCentre® 6655 Color Multifunction PrinterSystem Administrator GuideFTP or SFTPBefore you begin:• Ensure that FTP or SFTP services are running on the server or computer being used to store scannedimage files. Note the IP address or host name.• Create a user account and password with read and write access for the printer to use to access therepository folder. Note the user name and password.• Create a folder within the FTP or SFTP root. Note the directory path, user name, and password. Thisfolder is your file repository.• Test the connection. Log in to the file repository from a computer with the user name and password.Create a folder in the directory, then delete it. If you cannot create and delete the folder, check theuser account access rights.To configure file repository settings for FTP or SFTP:1. In CentreWare Internet Services, click Properties>Services.2. Click Workflow Scanning>File Repository Setup.3. Click Add New.4. In the Friendly Name field, type a name for the repository.5. From the Protocol menu, select FTP or SFTP.6. Select the address type. Options for FTP include IPv4, IPv6, or Host Name. Options for SFTP includeIPv4, or Host Name.7. In the Repository Server field, type the appropriately formatted address and port number for theFTP or SFTP location.8. In the Document Path field, type the directory path of the folder beginning at the root of FTP orSFTP services. For example, //directoryname/foldername.9. If you want the printer to create .XSM subfolders for single page format files, select Sub-folder(.XSM) for 1 File Per Page, File Format jobs.10. Under Login Credentials to Access the Destination, select the method that the printer uses toaccess the repository.11. Under Default Repository Login Credentials, select an option:− Authenticated User and Domain instructs the printer to use the user name and domain of thelogged-in user when accessing the repository.− Logged-in User instructs the printer to log in to the repository using the credentials of thelogged-in user.− Prompt at User Interface instructs the printer to prompt users at the control panel for therepository credentials.− System instructs the printer to use specific credentials when accessing the repository. If youselect System, type the credentials in the User Name and Password fields. To update anexisting password, select Select to save new password.12. Click Save.