Installation 1-11Option LEDsThe L ONWORKS Option Unit is equipped with four indication LEDs for module and LONWORKS status indication. The LEDs are located on theunit according to the figure below.Figure 1.7 – LONW ORKS LED Locations# Verify LonWorks Option Operation! Apply power to the drive.! Verify that the diagnostic LEDs on the front of the LONW ORKS Option are in their correct state.Table 1.3 – LED StatusLED DisplayPWR Receive Transmit Fault Service Condition SolutionBLINK0.5Hz Option is Not Configured % Configure OptionFLASH1sON_2sOFF_ContON Application missing % Download application image file% Assign network IdentityOFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Power not supplied % Check that drive has power% Check option card seating in CN2 connectorON BLINK BLINK BLINK OFF Communications notestablished% Check drive parameters (refer to table above)% Check connection between option and driveON ON OFF Communications Loss % Check network cable connectionsON FLASH OFF OFF Normal communications% Flash each time serial task is complete% approximately 0.5Hz when drive is at STOP% approximately 1.0Hz when drive RUN is activeON FLASH OFF OFF Normal communications % Flash for every 5 network variables updates! Remove power from the drive and wait for the charge lamp to be completely extinguished. Wait at least five additional minutes for thedrive to be completely discharged. Measure the DC BUS voltage and verify that it is at a safe level.! Install the operator keypad and all drive covers.