Application Overview 2-18Table 2.21 ñ Operating StatusIndex Variable Name Variable Type Descriptionnv14 nvoSpdStptFb SNVT_lev_percent Reports the speed setpoint as a percentage of nciNmlFreqnv15 nvoSpdCmd SNVT_lev_percent Reports the speed command as a percentage of nciNmlFreq regardless of command sourcenv16 nvoPIDFb SNVT_lev_percent Reports the PID feedback as a percentage of nciNmlFreqnv17 nvoDrvBus SNVT_volt Reports DC Bus voltagenv18 nvoReadParamVal SNVT_count Reports value of requested parameternv19 nviDrvFltRst SNVT_switch Resets a drive faultnv20 nvoRunStp SNVT_switch Reports the Run/Stop status of the drivenv21 nvoDrvFlt SNVT_switch Reports drive fault conditionnv22 nvoDrvParamErr SNVT_count Reports parameter access errornv23 nvoDrvTemp SNVT_temp Reports drive temperaturenv24 nvoDrvEnergyKwh SNVT_elec_kwh Reports cumulative energy in kWhnv25 nvoDrvEnergyMwh SNVT_elec_kwh Reports cumulative energy in mWh# Reading Other Parameters - nviReadParamNum, nvoReadParamNumTwo network variables are defined for reading any drive parameter:nviReadParamNum - Specifies the parameter to be read.nvoReadParamVal - Reports the value of the specified parameter.Refer to the appropriate Technical Manual for a detailed description of all parameters.Note: The increment listed in the user, programming, tecnical and parameter access manuals must be considered when interpreting a reportedvalue. For example, a read of b2-04, DC Injection Time at Stop, which reports 100 in nvoReadParamVal is actually a setting of 1.00sec, since the increment for this parameter is 0.01 seconds.# Configurable Network TrafficThis section describes the configuration properties available for customizing the driveís periodic traffic on the network.# Send Heartbeat - nciSndHrtBtThis configuration property defines the maximum period of time that expires before the current values of nvoDrvCurnt, nvoDrvSpeed,nvoDrvVolt, and nvoDrvPwr are automatically transmitted. When enabled, this functionality is intended to indicate to the network that this nodeis functioning normally. When disabled, the values of these variables are only transmitted upon change.The default value for this configuration property is 0, which is the disabled state.# Minimum Send Time - nciMinOutTmThis configuration property defines the minimum period of time between updates of output network variables. When enabled, this functionalityreduces network traffic by limiting the automatic propagation of network variables. When disabled, changes in these network variables aretransmitted on each change.The default value for this configuration property is 1 second.