Application Overview 2-6Table 2.3 - VFD Object Network Variable SummaryIndex Variable Name Variable Type Descriptionnv14 nvoSpdStptFb SNVT_lev_percent Reports the speed setpoint as a percentage of nciNmlFreqnv15 nvoSpdCmd SNVT_lev_percent Reports the speed command as a percentage of nciNmlFreq regardless of command sourcenv16 nvoPIDFb SNVT_lev_percent Reports the PID feedback as a percentage of nciNmlFreqnv17 nvoDrvBus SNVT_volt Reports DC Bus voltagenv18 nvoReadParamVal SNVT_count Reports value of requested parameternv19 nviDrvFltRst SNVT_switch Resets a drive faultnv20 nvoRunStp SNVT_switch Reports the Run/Stop status of the drivenv21 nvoDrvFlt SNVT_switch Reports drive fault conditionnv22 nvoDrvParamErr SNVT_count Reports parameter access errornv23 nvoDrvTemp SNVT_temp Reports drive temperaturenv24 nvoDrvEnergyKwh SNVT_elec_kwh Reports cumulative energy in kWhnv25 nvoDrvEnergyMwh SNVT_elec_kwh Reports cumulative energy in mWh# Parameter Access ErrorsThese values are returned by nv22 when a communications error occurres.! 0 - Normal! 2 - Incorrect register error! 33 - Data range error! 34 - Parameter not writable in Run mode! 35 ñ Write when drive is in Undervoltage! 36 ñ Process busy! 255 - Command timeout error