Application Overview 2-8Node ObjectThe node object supports 2 network variables for controlling the mode and reporting the status of the objects. 2 configuration properties are usedto identify the revision level of the interface firmware.Figure 2.2 - Node Object# Object Requests - nviRequestThe following table summarizes the supported request modes.Table 2.5 - Object Requests - nviRequestMode Request Node Object #0 Response VFD Object #1 ResponseRQ_NORMAL (0) % All objects and network variables are re-enabled.% nvoStatus is updated and reported.% VFD object network variables are re-enabled.% nvoStatus is updated and reportedRQ_DISABLE (1)% If running, the motor shall come to a controlled stop.% All objects and network variables are disabled, except thenode object. Input updates are ignored and outputs are notpropagated.% nvoStatus is updated and reported.% If running, the motor shall come to a controlled stop.% VFD object network variables are disabled. Inputupdates are ignored and outputs are not propagated.% Node object network variables remain enabled.% nvoStatus is updated and reportedRQ_UPDATE_STATUS (2) % nvoStatus is updated for all objects and reported. % nvoStatus is updated and reported.RQ_REPORT_MASK (5) % Invalid request.% nvoStatus is updated for all objects and reported.% Each status bit supported by the VFD object is set innvoStatus and reported.RQ_CLEAR_ALARM (10) % Invalid request.% nvoStatus is updated and reported.% Fault reset is issued to drive.% nvoStatus is updated and reported.All other requests % Invalid request.% nvoStatus is updated and reported.% Invalid request.% nvoStatus is updated and reported.# Object Status - nvoStatusThe output nvoStatus is propagated in response to any request. The following status fields are supported:! object_id - indicates the object whose status is being reported.! invalid_id - indicates a request to an undefined object id.! invalid_request - indicates an invalid request to the specified object id.! disabled - indicates the specified object is disabled.! in_alarm - indicates the specified object is in alarm. For the VFD object, this bit is set when the drive is faulted.! report_mask - indicates the status reported contains a ë1í for each status bit supported.