Application Overview 2-17Drive MonitoringThis section describes the network variables used to monitor the drive. Refer to the appropriate Technical Manual for additional information.# Operating StatusThe following table summarizes the network variables available for monitoring the driveís operating status.Table 2.21 – Operating StatusIndex Variable Name Variable Type Descriptionnv1 nviDrvSpeedStpt SNVT_switch Controls start/stop and a low resolution speed setpoint as a percentage of nciNmlFreqnv2 nviDrvSpeedScale SNVT_lev_percent Controls scaling for nviDrvSpeedStpt Negative values indicate reverse motor directionnv3 nvoDrvCurnt SNVT_amp Reports output currentnv4 nvoDrvSpeed SNVT_lev_percent Reports output speed as a percentage of nciNmlFreqnv5 nvoDrvVolt SNVT_volt Reports AC output voltagenv6 nvoDrvPwr SNVT_power_kilo Reports output powernv7 nvoDrvRunHours SNVT_time_hour Reports accumulated run timenv8 nviOpCommands SNVT_stateControls the following operational commands:! bit 0 - External Fault (EF0)! bit 1 - Fault Reset! bit 2 - Multifunction Input 1 (terminal S3)! bit 3 - Multifunction Input 2 (terminal S4)! bit 4 - Multifunction Input 3 (terminal S5)! bit 5 - Multifunction Input 4 (terminal S6)! bit 6 - Multifunction Input 5 (terminal S7)! bit 7 - Reservednv9 nviReadParamNum SNVT_count Requests a read of the specified drive parameter The response value is reported innvoReadParamValnv10 nviWriteParamNum SNVT_count Requests a write of the specified drive parameter The write value is contained innviWriteParamValnv11 nviWriteParamVal SNVT_count Contains the value to be written to the drive parameter specified in nviWriteParamNumnv12 nvoDrvStatus SNVT_stateReports drive operational status:! bit 0 - Drive Running! bit 1 - Reverse Run Commanded! bit 2 - Drive Ready! bit 3 - Drive Faulted! bit 4 ñ Parameter Access Error! bit 5 ñ Multi-function Output 1! bit 6 ñ Multi-function Output 2! bit 7 ñ Reserved! bit 8 - Terminal S1 State! bit 9 - Terminal S2 State! bit 10 - Terminal S3 State! bit 11 - Terminal S4 State! bit 12 - Terminal S5 State! bit 13 - Terminal S6 State! bit 14 - Terminal S7 State! bit 15 - Reservednv13 nvoFltStatus SNVT_stateReports drive fault status:! bit 0 - Overcurrent Ground Short Circuit! bit 1 - Overvoltage! bit 2 - Drive Overload! bit 3 - Overheat! bit 4 ñ Reserved! bit 5 ñ Fuse Blown! bit 6 ñ PID Feedback Lost! bit 7 - External Fault! bit 8 - Hardware Fault! bit 9 - Overload/Overtorque Fault! bit 10 ñ Excessive Speed Deviation! bit 11 - Undervoltage Fault! bit 12 ñ Undervoltage/Power Loss Fault! bit 13 ñ Input/Output Phase Loss! bit 14 ñ Drive Communication Loss! bit 15 ñ Operator Error