4.2 CPU Module Specifications4.2.7 System Register Specifications4-16 System Execution Status Calendar System Program Software Version Remaining Program Memory CapacityRegister Address Name RemarksSW00004 High-speed Scan Set Value High-speed scan set value (0.1 ms)SW00005 Current High-speed Scan Time Current high-speed scan time (0.1 ms)SW00006 Maximum High-speed Scan Time Maximum high-speed scan time (0.1 ms)SW00007 High-speed Scan Set Value 2 High-speed scan set value (μs)SW00008 Current High-speed Scan Time 2 Current high-speed scan time (μs)SW00009 Maximum High-speed Scan Time 2 Maximum high-speed scan time (μs)SW00010 Low-speed Scan Set Value Low-speed scan set value (0.1 ms)SW00011 Current Low-speed Scan Time Current low-speed scan time (0.1 ms)SW00012 Maximum Low-speed Scan Time Maximum low-speed scan time (0.1 ms)SW00013 Reserved for system. −SW00014 Current Scan Time Scan time of currently executing scan (0.1 ms)Register Address Name Remarks ExampleSW00015 Calendar year Gives the last two digits of the year inBCD format. 2011: 0011SW00016 Calendar Month andDayGives the month and day in BCD for-mat. December 31: 1231SW00017 Calendar Hours andMinutesGives the hours and minutes in BCDformat.23 hours 59 minutes:2359SW00018 Calendar Seconds Gives the seconds in BCD format. 59 seconds: 0059SW00019 Calendar WeekGives the day of the week as a numberbetween 0 and 6.0: Sunday, 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday,3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday,and 6: Saturday−Register Address Name RemarksSW00020 System Program Software Version Ver. .(Gives the version in BCD format.)SW00021 to SW00025 Reserved for system. −Register Address Name RemarksSL00026 Remaining Program Memory Capacity BytesSL00028 Total Memory Capacity Bytes