3.1 Basic Functionality3.1.1 Programs3-8 Specifying Motion ProgramsThere are two methods that you can use to specify motion programs.• Calling the motion program by specifying it directly• Calling the motion program by specifying it indirectlyThese two methods are described below.• Calling the Motion Program by Specifying It DirectlyDirect designation is used to call a motion program by specifying its program number(MPM) directly.To call the motion program from a ladder program with the MSEE instruction, specify the pro-gram number in the Program Number operand of the MSEE instruction.• Calling the Motion Program by Specifying It IndirectlyIndirect designation is used to call a motion program by specifying its number in a register.In this method, the program (MPM) whose number is the same as the value that is storedin the register is called.To call the motion program from a ladder program with an MSEE instruction, use the ProgramNumber operand of the MSEE instruction to specify the M or D register that indirectly desig-nates the motion program.ABS;MOV[X] _ [Y] _MOV[X] _ [Y] _MVS[X] _ [Y] _ FIOW MB0001...MPM001MSEE InstructionMPM addressLadder Program Motion Program0 3 ABS;IOW MB0001...MOV[X] _ [Y] _MOV[X] _ [Y] _MVS[X] _ [Y] _ F* MW00200 = 3MPM003Setting deviceThe value is storedin the MW00200register.MSEE InstructionRegister addressLadder Program Motion Program