5.18 Confirming Operation5-425.18 Confirming Operation5.18.1 Procedure• For confirming operation, set to “Multi-job operation mode.”In the multi-job operation mode, the jobs in all the tasks operate. (The operation proce-dures are explained below.)If the follower subtask is operated individually, only the follower manipulator moves butnot the station. As the follower manipulator moves following to the station current posi-tion, an alarm may occur and the manipulator may interfere the station as a result.To verify the individual operation of the follower manipulator itself, call the job by jobselection operation and confirm the individual operation of the job, but not in the triplesynchronization.Operation Explanation1 Create a concurrent job. For procedure, refer to “5.17 Job in Master Task.”2 Select {JOB} under the mainmenu.3 Select {CTRL MASTER}. The SUPERVISORY window appears. Each time the page keyis pressed, the contents of the window changes. When thefour columns show information for the master task, subtask 1,subtask 2, and subtask 3 press the page key and the infor-mation for subtasks 4 to 7 appears instead. Press the page keyagain, and the information for the master task, subtask 1,subtask 2, and subtask 3 reappears.4 Move the cursor to the taskwhere the master job is to beregistered.5 Press [SELECT].6 Select “SETTING MASTERJOB.”NOTEPAGEGO BACKPAGEGO BACKPAGEGO BACKM-TASKM-TASK0000000STOP000000000000000000000EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYJOBShort CutMain MenuSUPERVISORYMASTERMASTER JOBROOT JOBEDIT JOBLINE NO.STEP NO.STATUSSYNC TASKSUB1 SUB2 SUB3151/210