7.8 Playback7-327.8.6 Precautions StoppingIf a hold or an emergency stop procedure is performed, all currently executing jobs arestopped. RestartingThe following methods are available for restarting after a hold or an emergency stop.To continue operationIf operation is restarted from the stopped position, the master task and subtasks1/2/3/4/5/6/7all continue their execution from the line (step) number at the time of the stop.However, if a job selection is made and the message “SUB task restart impossible” is dis-played, subtasks 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 cannot continue their execution. Only the master task isrestarted.To execute only one of the subtasks from the beginningBefore conducting start procedures, first turn ON the system input signal “Sub Master jobcall” (40031 to 40037) of the subtask to be executed from the beginning, and press the startbutton. The job of the subtask for which this signal is ON, is executed from the beginning.The jobs of other tasks continue execution from the line (step) number at the time of the stop.To execute jobs of both subtasks from the beginningFirst turn ON the system input signal “Master job call” (40030), then press the start button.When the master job of the master task is called, subtasks 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 which were stoppedin the middle are canceled. When PSTART instruction is executed in the job of the mastertask, the jobs of both subtasks start and are executed from the beginning. Stopping and Restarting a Subtask AloneDuring operation of subtasks 1/2/3/4/5/6/7, with an I/O alarm or a PAUSE instruction, only aspecified subtask can be stopped. Refer to the system inputs 40021 to 40027, and the sys-tem outputs 50041 to 50045, for I/O alarm.When subtask 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 is halted, the system output signal 50031 to 50037 “HELD” is out-put. The system output signal 50070 “RUN” stays ON, but the start lamp on the programmingpendant flashes when a subtask is halted.To restart the halted subtask 1/2/3/4/5/6/7, reset the alarm and press the external start or thestart botton on the programming pendant.190/210