10 Web Interface56 YASKAWA TOEP YEACOM 06A V1000 Option PROFINET SI-EP3/V Installation ManualSecurity LoginEnter a valid password and click “Log in”. The button text will change to “Log out” and thestatus will change to “Logged in”.Note: The default security password is “yaskawa”.This password can be changed in the “Change Password” section of the tab. Entering a validpassword allows access to the settings in the Configuration tab, Email Alerts tab, and theParameter Access tab.Change PasswordTo change the password, enter the new password in the “New Password:” and “ConfirmPassword:” text boxes then click “Change password”. The Status display will change to“Idle” then “Changing Password” then “Password Changed”. If the passwords in the twotext boxes do not match, the Status will display “Passwords don’t match”.Option CardThe values displayed in the various tabs are refreshed at the rate defined in the “AppletRefresh Rate (ms)” text box. Enter values in the range of 1000 ms to 65.535 seconds.Parameter Security can be enabled or disabled by clicking one of the radio buttons. When“Disabled” is selected, no password is necessary and all functions in the web pages will beavailable. When “Enabled” is selected, a valid password must be entered to edit emailsettings and to write parameters.Email SettingsThe “Email Server IP” text box must contain the IP address of the email server. The subnetaddress is configured in drive parameters F7-05 through F7-08. The configured email alertswill use the server at this address when sending emails.Enter the email server port in the “Email Port” text box.The value in the “From’ Email Address” text box identifies the origin of the email alerts tothe recipient.Click “Submit Email Parameters” to save the email settings to the option.Click “Save Configuration Parameters to Flash” to save the entered values from this tab intonon-volatile memory. These values will then be remembered after cycling power.General SettingsClick “Save Options Card Parameters” to save the Applet Refresh Rate and the ParameterSecurity settings to the option.