104 FT-847 OPERATING MANUALHIGH-SPEED CW METEOR SCATTER (HSCW MS) OPERATIONAppendixThe “report” format generally consists of any of thefollowing:l A 2-digit burst-length and signal-strength report(e.g. “26”);l A burst-length “S” report (e.g. “S2,” the his-torical report format); orl Your Grid Square (used in contests).In principle, any of these reports may be used, becausethe intent is to exchange information not known inadvance to the other party.If you are missing some piece of information, the fol-lowing format is used to request a repeat:BBB: Both callsigns are neededMMM: My callsign is needed(your call was received OK)YYY: Your callsign is needed(my call was received OK)SSS: Your “Report” is neededUUU: Your keying is not readable(technical problem)Sending SpeedUnless otherwise stipulated, a sending speed of 1000lpm (200 wpm) should be satisfactory for calling CQand random meteor scatter work. Higher speeds areoften used on schedules.