66 FT-847 OPERATING MANUALSATELLITE OPERATIONThe FT-847 is an outstanding performer on amateur satellites, providing “turn-key” operation on Voice/CW “ana-log” satellites, and easy interface for digital mode operation.The chief features of the FT-847 for satellite operation include:l Full duplex crossband capability, pioneered on the Yaesu FT-726R;l Uplink/downlink “tracking” of the VFOs, introduced on the Yaesu FT-736R;l Dual frequency displays, showing both uplink and downlink frequencies;l The SUB-TUNE control, which allows manual adjustment of the uplink frequency;l The dedicated Satellite “Memory” VFO system, which includes alpha-numeric labeling of the memoriesand independent operating mode storage on the uplink and downlink registers; andl The frequency entry keyboard (including the [SUB] key), which makes loading of uplink and downlinkfrequencies simple.Satellite operation involves transmission on one band while simultaneously receiving on another band (sometimeson another operating mode, as well). This is different from “Split” operation, where transmission and reception arenot occurring simultaneously; the [SPLIT] key should not be used during satellite operation.OPERATIONSATELLITE NAMEAO-10AO-27FO-20FO-29RS-13RS-15ORBIT TYPE(1)MolniyaLEOLEOLEOLEOLEOUPLINK435.030 ~ 435.180 MHzCW & LSB145.850 MHz FM145.900 ~ 146.000 MHzCW & LSB145.900 ~ 146.000 MHzCW & LSB21.260 ~ 21.300 and145.960 ~ 146.000 MHzCW & USB145.858 ~ 145.898 MHzCW & USBDOWNLINK145.975 ~ 145.825 MHzCW & USB436.972 MHz FM435.900 ~ 435.800 MHzCW & USB435.900 ~ 435.800 MHzCW & USB29.460 ~ 29.500 MHzCW & USB29.354 ~ 29.394 MHzCW & USBNOTESSemi-operational.Inverted Transponder.Single ChannelInverted Transponder.Inverted Transponder.Operation schedule varies,shared with Digital modes(2)Use either uplink band fortransponder access.Communication rangegreater than RS-13 due tohiger orbit.“Analog” Satellite Transponder InformationNotes: (1) Orbit Types: Molniya - Elliptical orbit, Apogee ≅ 36,000 km, Perigee ≅ 4,000 kmLEO - “Low Earth Orbit,” Apogee/Perigee ≤ 2,000 km.(2) The FO-29 operating schedule, and that of other satellites, may be viwed at AMSAT’s Web site: