52 FT-847 OPERATING MANUALREPEATER OPERATIONFM “repeater” stations are usually located on top of tall mountains or hills, allowing mobile, portable, and other-wise low-power stations to extend their communication range significantly. The flexible operating features of theFT-847 make repeater work simple and enjoyable.OPERATIONFM TRANSMISSIONAutomatic Repeater ShiftThe ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift) feature, activeon the 144 and 430 MHz bands, automatically acti-vates and sets the direction (upward or downward) ofthe repeater shift function.The ARS feature may be activated or de-activated in-dependently on the 144 MHz and 430 MHz bands,using Menu items #14 (144 MHz) and #15 (430 MHz).The default condition for the ARS is “ON” for bothbands. See page 85 for details on disabling the ARS,if desired.Note: With the ARS turned On, the repeater shift iconwill not initially appear when you enter a fre-quency directly from the keypad. However, if youmove the Main tuning Dial or MEM/VFO CHknob, or initiate scanning in either direction,the ARS feature will be activated, and the ap-propriate repeater shift will be applied.Manual Repeater ShiftFor repeater operation on 29 or 50 MHz, or on the144/430 MHz bands when ARS is disabled, it is easyto activate or change the repeater shift manually.Å While operating in the FM mode (seeprevious section), press the keypad’s[1(RPT)] key. The “ – ” icon willappear on the display, indicating adownward repeater shift.Ç Press the [1(RPT)] key once moreto change the direction of the re-peater shift to the upward direction.The “–” icon will change to “+” onthe display.É Press the [1(RPT)] key once moreto disable the shift and CTCSS en-coder, and return to simplex opera-tion. The “+ ” icon will disappearfrom the display.Ñ During operation, you may wish tocheck the input frequency to the re-peater, to see if the other station isstrong enough to be worked on sim-plex. To do this, press the [2(REV)]key on the keypad; the uplink and downlink fre-quencies will be reversed.Setting the Repeater ShiftThe repeater shift has been set, at the Yaesu factory, tothe value most likely to be correct for your location.However, you may have the need to change the re-peater shift especially on a band like 50 MHz, whereseveral shifts may be popular even within the samecountry (e.g. 500 kHz, 1 MHz, and 1.7 MHz in theUnited States). Check with your local repeater coordi-nator or a repeater guide for confirmation of the ap-propriate shift in your area.The default repeater shift may be changed indepen-dently on each of the four FT-847 bands on which re-peater operation is authorized. The setting of the re-peater shift is accomplished using Menu items #16through #19 for the 29 MHz through 430 MHz bands,respectively. Here is an example of how to change therepeater shift to 1.70 MHz on the 50 MHz band:l Press the [MENU] button to activate the Menumode of operation.l Rotate the SUB-TUNE knob to select Menu #17(“ 50M-RPT”).l Rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob to set the value to1.70 MHz. The available range of repeater shifts is0 ~ 99.99 MHz.l Press the [MENU] key to exit the Menu mode.An identical procedure is used to set the shifts on theother repeater bands. Remember that this procedureonly sets the amount of the repeater offset; the direc-tion of the repeater shift (“ +” or “ – ”) is set using the[1(RPT)] key.Note: If you wish to access a single repeater whichuses a shift different from the default shift, it isnot necessary to follow the above procedure(which will make operation on other repeatersinconvenient). For the one repeater using a non-standard split, use the “Split Memory” capa-bility of them e m o r ysystem. Seepage 72 fordetails.