6 FT-847 OPERATING MANUALPOWER CONNECTIONSInstallationThe DC power connector for the FT-847 must only beconnected to a DC source providing 13.8 Volts DC(±10%), and capable of at least 22 Amperes of cur-rent. Always observe proper polarity when making DCconnections:The RED DC power lead connects to the POSITIVE(+) DC terminal; andThe BLACK DC power lead connects to the NEGA-TIVE (-) DC terminal.For base station installations, Yaesu recommends theuse of the FP-1025 or FP-1030A AC power supplies.Other models of power supplies may be used with theFT-847, but the 13.8V DC input voltage, 22-Amperecurrent capability, and DC cable polarity guidelinesdescribed above must be strictly followed.Note that other manufacturers may use the same typeof DC power connections as does your FT-847 trans-ceiver, but the wiring configuration of the othermanufacturer’s plug may be different from that speci-fied for your transceiver. Serious damage can be causedif improper DC connections are made; consult with aqualified service technician when in doubt.In mobile installations, noise pickup may be minimizedby connecting the DC cable directly to your vehicle’sbattery, rather than to the ignition switch or “acces-sory” circuitry. Direct connection to the battery alsoprovides the best voltage stability.