74 FT-847 OPERATING MANUALMEMORY OPERATIONMAIN MEMORY SYSTEM“HOME” CHANNEL MEMORYFour special one-touch HOME channels are available, for special frequencies you use often. Either “simplex” or“split” frequency/mode data may be stored in the HOME channel locations. Separate HOME channels are availablefor HF (any frequency between 1.8 and 29.7 MHz), 50 MHz, 144 MHz, and 430 MHz.Å Set the Main VFO to the frequency which you wishto store into the HOME memory. Be sure that allmode, bandwidth, and other conditions are set theway you want them.Ç Press the [MCK/W] key for ½ second.É Now press the [HOME] key for ½ second. Thisstores the frequency data into the HOME channellocation.Ñ If you wish to store a “Split” frequency pair intothe HOME channel, store the Receive frequency insteps Å ~ É above. Now set the Main VFO to thedesired Transmit frequency.Ö Once more, press the [MCK/W] key for ½ second.Ü Press and hold in the microphone’s [PTT] switch;while holding in the [PTT] switch, again press the[HOME] key for ½ second. This stores the Trans-mit frequency data into the HOME channel location.á To recall the HOME channel, just press the [HOME]key momentarily (while operating either in the VFOor Memory mode). The “H ” indication will appearin the memory channel number field to the right ofthe main frequency display area. Press the [HOME]key once more to return to the previous frequency(either a VFO frequency or a memory channel).