48 FT-847 OPERATING MANUALELECTRONIC KEYER OPERATIONThe FT-847’s built-in electronic keyer is flexible, yet easy to use.OPERATIONCW TRANSMISSIONÅ Insert your key’s ¼” three-conductor (“stereo”) pluginto the KEY jack on the rear panel of the trans-ceiver. Remember that the Tip of this plug is the“Dot” key lead, the Ring connector is the “Dash”lead, and the main shaft is Ground.Ç Set the applicable controls as follows:MODE: CWPROC/KEYER: On (the “ KEYER ” icon shouldappear on the LCD)KEYER SPEED: 12 o’clock positionRF PWR: Fully ClockwiseMONI: OnÉ When you press your thumb against your keyerpaddle, a string of Dots will be generated by theKEYER. Rotate the KEYER SPEED control to setthe desired sending speed.Ñ You may adjust the sidetone pitch, sidetone vol-ume, and receiver recovery time as described inthe previous section.Ö The KEYER’s Weighting (Dash:Dot ratio) may beadjusted via Menu #7, although the default 3:1 ra-tio should normally be used. See page 84 if youneed to make this adjustment.CW SPOT FEATUREDuring CW operation, it is useful to be able to zero inprecisely to the other station’s frequency. The CW SPOTfeature of the FT-847 makes this task simple.During CW operation, press the[T.CALL (l)] key; you will hear a solidtone in the speaker. The pitch of thistone corresponds to the pitch of yoursignal as heard by another station rela-tive to your current operating frequency (i.e. it is thetone at which you are transmitting). The pitch of thistone (and the BFO offset for the receiver, etc.) may bealigned via Menu #06 (see page 84).If you align the pitch produced by the SPOT function tobe exactly the same as the pitch of an incoming CWsignal, you will precisely zero-beat to the other sta-tion.Note that the BFO offset is compensated for by themicroprocessor when you switch between CW (USBinjection) and CW (LSB injection). So unless you havethe IF SHIFT control grossly mis-aligned, you can neverfind yourself “spotted” on the “wrong” sideband.