25FT-847 OPERATING MANUAL(32) KeypadThe keypad is used for direct frequency entry duringVFO operation. Secondary functions allow control ofcertain repeater, scanning, and frequency navigationfunctions.(33) SHIFT ControlThis control is used to adjust the receiver’s IF SHIFTfeature, which tunes the 455 kHz IF relative to thecenter frequency of the selected IF filter (in all modesexcept FM). The default position of this control is 12o’clock, and an adjustment range of about ±1.2 kHz isprovided (the pitch of the incoming signals will notchange, however).(34) DIG. FIL SwitchPressing this switch activates the receiver’s DSP fil-ters. When the DSP is activated, the “ DIG.FIL ” iconwill appear on the display panel.(35) DIGITAL FIL(LOW CUT/HIGH CUT Controls)These controls adjust the passband cutoff frequenciesof the receiver’s HIGH CUT and LOW CUT DSPfilters in the SSB, AM, and FM modes. The inner con-trol adjusts the LOW-CUT characteristics, while the outercontrol adjusts the HIGH-CUT characteristics.(36) NOTCH SwitchThis is the ON/OFF switch for the beat-canceling DSPNOTCH filter.(37) NR SwitchThis is the ON/OFF switch for the DSP NOISE REDUC-TION filter. The level of DSP Noise Reduction is setvia Menu #11 (see page 85).(38) CLAR SwitchPressing this switch activates the RX CLARIFIER(“RIT”), which provides offset tuning from the MainVFO frequency. When this feature is enabled, the“ C L A R ” icon will appear on the display panel. TheSUB-TUNE knob is used for Clarifier adjustment, andthe available offset range is ±9.99 kHz.(39) SUB-TUNE KnobThis knob is the tuning dial which controls the fre-quency of the Sub VFO. Clockwise rotation of the dialincreases the frequency, while counter-clockwise ro-tation decreases the frequency.The tuning steps are defined by the setting of Menu#2, which also sets the steps for the Main Tuning Dial.The default tuning steps are shown below:(40) MENU SwitchPressing this switch momentarily activates the “MENU”mode, which allows customization of many aspects oftransceiver configuration.(41) MEM/VFO CH KnobWhen the VFO mode is active, this detented knob be-comes a “channelized” tuning control, which allowsquick navigation up and down the band.This knob selects the Memory Channel when theMemory mode is active.The tuning steps for the MEM/VFO CH knob (whenoperating in the “VFO” mode) may be set via the Menusystem. The default steps are:⁄: Depends on transceiver version (USA, European, etc.)These steps may be set individually for the HF, 50MHz, 144 MHz, and 430 MHz bands; see page 34 fordetails.(42) QMB RCL SwitchThis switch is used for one-touch recall of the QuickMemory Bank memory.(43) QMB STO SwitchThis switch is used for storing a Main VFO frequencyinto the QMB memory register.Front Panel Controls & SwitchesMode Available Steps DefaultNORMAL FA S T StepSSB/CW 0.1, 1, 10 Hz 1, 10, 100 Hz 1 Hz/10 HzAM/FM 10 Hz 100 Hz 10 Hz/100 HzOperatingMode HF Bands VHF Bands UHF BandsSSB/CW 2.5 kHz 2.5 kHz 2.5 kHzA M 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHzFM 5 kHz ⁄ ⁄