18Receiving APRS ® beacons Explanation of the Detailed Display for Station List of W (Weather report:Weather Station) and key operation.Pressing H and selecting [ ] (Weather report) or [ ](Weather report Compressed type) station with O in theSTATION LIST screen will open the details screen for Wor w (Weather report). Though only 4 rows are displayedon screen, scrolling with O shows all the information.O… Scrolls trough screenPress F after pressing O… Switches beacon stationPress M… Moves to STATION LIST screen (See page 11).Press D… Moves to MESSAGE EDITING SCREEN.Press M over 1 second … Enters the Set mode (See page 45).B… Moves to RAW Data display screen (See page 25).9… Manual transmission of beacon (See page 26).OScreen Details a Compass (Direction): Shows the direction to the remote transceiver from yourtransceiver.b Symbol: Displays the symbol of the received radio station.c Callsign: Displays the received call sign.d Remote transceiver information:Displays information on the fixed station (FIXED).e Date: Displays the Time (HH Hours: MM Minute) or Date (MMMonth/DD Day).f Distance: Displays the distance between your transceiver and theremote transceiver.g Time: Displays the time (HH Hours: MM Minutes) that beaconwas received.h Temperature: Displays temperature information.i Precipitation: Displays information on precipitation per hour.j Precipitation: Displays information on precipitation per 24 hours.k Precipitation: Displays information on precipitation from midnight.l Wind direction; Displays information on wind direction.m Wind speed: Displays information on wind speed.n Maximum wind speed: Displays information on the maximum wind speed.o Atmospheric pressure: Displays information on atmospheric pressure.p Humidity: Displays information on humidity.q Latitude: The current position is displayed using north (N) or south(S) latitude (DD degree, MM.MM minutes, or DD degree,MM minutes, SS seconds).r Longitude: The current position is displayed using east (E) or west(S) longitude (DDD degree, MM.MM minutes, or DDdegree, MM minutes, SS seconds).s STATUS TEXT: Displays comment information.TipCompressed type beacon is a beacon sent in a format where a part of the information is compressed.