61APRS Set mode function listTip• If you are to connect the transceiver with a PC using SCU-18, the following settings must be appliedon the PC.DATA SPEED: 9600bps (the SPEED setting of this transceiver and a PC must correspond).DATA LENGTH: 8bitParity Bit: NoneStop Bit: 1bit 18 DIGI PATHSetting the digipeater route.Setting item: P1 OFFP2: WIDE1-1 (fixed value)P3: WIDE1-1, WIDE2-1 (fixed value)P4 to P7: Up to 2 addresses can be entered arbitrarily.P8: Up to 8 addresses can be entered arbitrarily.Default: P3 FWIDE1-1 AWIDE2-1 (fixed value)Explanation:A station that relays packets, such as beacons, are called a digipeater.Select a CALLSIGN or ALIAS of the digipeater you would like to use.In this transceiver, [WIDE1-1/WIDE2-1] (setting for 2 relay stations) is set beforehand.In [WIDE1-1, WIDE2-1], a transmission is relayed to the first digipeater station specifiedas WIDE1-1, then to the second digipeater station specified as WIDE2-1.As of January 2013, digipeater stations used by APRS are recommended to beoperated using *New- Paradigm.The initial values set to this transceiver are those premised for digipeater stationsoperating with New- Paradigm, due to most digipeater stations supporting this method.In order to use other relay methods, select one of P4 to P8 and enter the CALLSIGN orALIAS.* For information on the New-Paradigm method, refer to the following websites fordetails.http://aprs.org/fix14439.html 19 GPS DATUMSelect DATUMSetting Item: WGS-84 / Tokyo Mean / Tokyo Japan / Tokyo Korea / Tokyo OkinawaDefault: WGS-84Explanation: Because APRS uses the DATUM of WGS-88, this setting is not changedunder normal circumstances.