VX-120 OPERATING MANUAL 23CTCSS/DCS/EPCS OPERATIONCTCSS OPERATIONMany repeater systems require that a very-low-frequency audio tone be superimposed onyour FM carrier in order to activate the repeater. This helps prevent false activation of therepeater by radar or spurious signals from other transmitters. This tone system, called“CTCSS” (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System), is included in your VX-120, and isvery easy to activate.CTCSS setup involves two actions: setting the Tone Mode and then setting of the ToneFrequency. These actions are set up by Set mode.1. Press the [F] key, then press the [LOW(LOCK)SET] key to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 44: SQL.TYP.3. Press the [F] key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Item.4. Rotate the DIAL knob so that “TONE” indication appears on thedisplay; this activates the CTCSS Encoder, for access to repeat-ers requiring a CTCSS tone.5. Rotation of the DIAL knob one more “click” in step “2” abovewill cause the “TSQL” notation to appear. When “TSQL” is dis-played, this means that the Tone SQueLch system is active, whichmutes your VX-120’s receiver until it receives a call from an-other radio sending out a matching CTCSS tone. This can helpkeep your radio quiet until a specific call is received, which may be helpful whileoperating in congested areas of the band.1) You may notice a “REV TN” indication on the display while you rotatethe DIAL knob in this step; this means that the Reverse Tone Squelchsystem is active, which mutes your VX-120’s receiver (instead of openingthe squelch) when it receives a call from the radio sending a matched CTCSS tone.The “ ” icon will blink on the display when the Reverse Tone Squelch system isactivated.2) You may notice the “DCS” and “ECS” indications on the display while you rotatethe DIAL knob still more. We’ll discuss the Digital Code Squelch system (for “DCS”)and Enhanced Paging & Code Squelch (for “ECS”) later.6. When you have made your selection of the CTCSS tone mode, press the [F] key tosave the new setting.7. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 46: TN FRQ.8. Press the [F] key momentarily to enable adjustment of the CTCSSfrequency.9. Rotate the DIAL knob until the display indicates the Tone Fre-quency you need to be using (ask the repeater owner/operator ifyou don’t know the tone frequency).