FEATURES1-19Composition and operationThe ABS motor relay is activated by signals transmitted from the ABS ECU and operates simulta-neously when the ABS starts to reduce the hydraulic pressure of the brake fluid. If the solenoid relayis turned off, the ABS motor relay is also deactivated and the motor stops operating if there is a mal-function.EAS4S81009ABS OPERATIONThe ABS hydraulic circuit consists of two systems: the front wheel, and rear wheel. The followingdescribes the front system only.Normal braking (ABS not activated)When the ABS is not activated, port D “11” of the solenoid valve is closed because a control signalhas not been transmitted from the ABS ECU and port A “7” and port B “9” of the flow control valveare open.1. ABS motor relay2. Solenoid valves3. ABS ECU4. Pump motor relay coil5. Pump motor monitor6. ABS warning light7. Front brake solenoid8. Rear brake solenoid9. Hydraulic unit10.Power supply11.Power of solenoid12.Power