IGNITION SYSTEM8-4NG→OK↓NG→OK↓NG→OK↓NG→OK↓NG→OK↓NG→OK↓NG→OK↓8. Check the engine stop switch.Refer to "CHECKING THESWITCHES" on page 8-109.Replace the right handlebar switch.9. Check the neutral switch.Refer to "CHECKING THESWITCHES" on page 8-109.Replace the neutral switch.10. Check the sidestand switch.Refer to "CHECKING THESWITCHES" on page 8-109.Replace the sidestand switch.11. Check the clutch switch.Refer to "CHECKING THESWITCHES" on page 8-109.Replace the clutch switch.12. Check the starting circuit cut-offrelay.Refer to "CHECKING THERELAYS" on page 8-117.Replace the starting circuit cut-offrelay.13. Check the lean angle sensor.Refer to "CHECKING THE LEANANGLE SENSOR" on page 8-123.Replace the lean angle sensor.14. Check the entire ignition system’swiring.Refer to "CIRCUIT DIAGRAM" onpage 8-1.Properly connect or repair the ignitionsystem’s wiringReplace the ECU (engine controlunit).