CRANKSHAFT5-66e. Tighten the connecting rod bolts.NOTE:Install by carrying out the following proceduresin order to assemble in the most suitable con-dition.• Connecting rod boltsf. Replace the connecting rod bolts with newones.g. Clean the connecting rod bolts.h. After installing the big end bearing, assem-ble the connecting rod and connecting rodcap once using a single unit of the connect-ing rod.i. Tighten the connecting rod bolt whilechecking that the sections shown “a” and“b” are flush with each other by touchingthe surface.• Side machined face “a”• Thrusting faces (4 places at front and rear)“b”NOTE:To install the big end bearing, care should betaken not to install it at an angle and the posi-tion should not be out of alignment.j. Loosen the connecting rod bolt, remove theconnecting rod and connecting rod cap andinstall these parts to the crankshaft with thebig end bearing kept in the current condi-tion.k. Tighten the connecting rod bolts.CAUTION:ECA4S81026Tighten the connecting rod bolts using theplastic-region tightening angle method.Always install new bolts.l. Clean the connecting rod bolts.m. Tighten the connecting rod bolts.n. Put a mark “1” on the corner of the con-necting rod bolt “2” and the connecting rodcap “3”o. Tighten the bolt further to reach the speci-fied angle (120°).Connecting rod bolt24.5 Nm (2.5 m·kg, 17.7 ft·lb)Connecting rod bolt15 Nm (1.5 m·kg, 11 ft·lb) + 120°