Operation30to the fully open position. Make sure that itturns smoothly and that it completely re-turns to the fully closed position. Look for loose or damaged connections ofthe throttle and shift cables.Remote control models: Turn the steering wheel full-right and full-left. Make sure operation is smooth andunrestricted throughout the whole rangewith no binding or excessive free play. Operate the throttle levers several times tomake sure there is no hesitation in theirtravel. Operation should be smooth overthe complete range of motion, and each le-ver should return completely to the idle po-sition. Look for loose or damaged connections ofthe throttle and shift cables.EMU36481Engine shut-off cord (lanyard)Inspect the engine shut-off cord for damage,such as cuts, breaks, and wear.EMU27120Oil Check to be sure you have plenty of oil foryour trip.EMU27153Engine Check the engine and engine mounting. Look for loose or damaged fasteners. Check the propeller for damage. Check for engine oil leaks.EMU27181Operation after long period ofstorageOil injection modelsWhen operating the engine after a long peri-od (12 months) of storage, proceed as fol-lows:1. Use a 50:1 gasoline to oil mixture to startthe engine.2. Start the engine. Leave it idling.WARNING! Do not touch or removeelectrical parts when starting or dur-ing operation. Keep hands, hair, andclothes away from the flywheel andother rotating parts while the engineis running. [EWM01331]3. Watch for oil flowing through the oil feedpipes. After any air in the oil lines has1. Cord2. Clip3. Engine shut-off switch1. Cord2. Clip3. Engine shut-off switch2 13ZMU03689