Maintenance59parts while the engine is running.NOTICEECM00490This procedure must be performed whilethe outboard motor is in the water. Aflushing attachment or test tank can beused.If the boat is not equipped with a tachometerfor the outboard motor, use a diagnostic ta-chometer for this procedure. Results mayvary depending on whether testing is con-ducted with the flushing attachment, in a testtank, or with the outboard motor in the water.1. Start the engine and allow it to warm upfully in neutral until it is running smooth-ly.2. Once the engine has warmed up, verifywhether the idle speed is set to specifi-cation. For idle speed specifications,see page 9. If you have difficulty verify-ing the idle speed, or the idle speed re-quires adjustment, consult a Yamahadealer or other qualified mechanic.EMU29061Checking water in engine oil tankA translucent water drain hose is connectedfrom the bottom of the oil tank to the fillerneck. If water or foreign matter collects in thishose, consult a Yamaha dealer.EMU29113Checking wiring and connectors Check that each connector is engaged se-curely. Check that each ground lead is properlysecured.EMU32112Checking propellerWARNINGEWM01881You could be seriously injured if the en-gine accidentally starts when you arenear the propeller. Before inspecting, re-moving, or installing the propeller, placethe shift control in neutral, turn the mainswitch to “ ” (off) and remove the key,and remove the clip from the engine shut-off switch. Turn off the battery cut-offswitch if your boat has one.Do not use your hand to hold the propellerwhen loosening or tightening the propellernut. Put a wood block between the anti-cavi-tation plate and the propeller to prevent thepropeller from turning.1. Drain hose12ZMU048372. Filler neck sideZMU03737