Maintenance63from the surfaces of the anodes. Consult aYamaha dealer for replacement of externalanodes.NOTICEECM00720Do not paint anodes, as this would renderthem ineffective.TIP:Inspect ground leads attached to externalanodes on equipped models. Consult aYamaha dealer for inspection and replace-ment of internal anodes attached to the pow-er unit.EMU29322Checking battery (for electric startmodels)WARNINGEWM01900Battery electrolytic fluid is poisonousand caustic, and batteries generate ex-plosive hydrogen gas. When workingnear the battery: Wear protective eye gear and rubbergloves. Do not smoke or bring any other sourceof ignition near the battery.Refer to page 11 for detailed safety infor-mation about batteries.The procedure for checking the battery var-ies for different batteries. This procedurecontains typical checks that apply to manybatteries, but you should always refer to thebattery manufacturer’s instructions.NOTICEECM01920A poorly maintained battery will quicklydeteriorate.1. Check the electrolyte level.2. Check the battery’s charge. If your boatis equipped with the digital speedome-ter, the voltmeter and low battery alertfunctions will help you monitor the bat-tery’s charge. If the battery needs charg-ing, consult your Yamaha dealer.3. Check the battery connections. Theyshould be clean, secure, and covered byan insulating cover. WARNING! Badconnections can produce shorting orarcing and cause an explosion.[EWM01910]EMU29333Connecting the batteryWARNINGEWM00570Mount the battery holder securely in adry, well-ventilated, vibration-free loca-tion in the boat. Install a fully charged bat-tery in the holder.NOTICEECM01123Reversal of the battery cables will dam-ZMU02924