General information10tric system could perform poorly or beoverloaded, causing electric system dam-age.For electric start models, choose a batterywhich meets the following specifications.EMU25711Battery specificationsNOTE:The engine cannot be started if battery volt-age is too low.EMU25741Propeller selectionThe performance of your outboard motor willbe critically affected by your choice of propel-ler, as an incorrect choice could adversely af-fect performance and could also seriouslydamage the motor. Engine speed depends onthe propeller size and boat load. If enginespeed is too high or too low for good engineperformance, this will have an adverse effecton the engine.Yamaha outboard motors are fitted with pro-pellers chosen to perform well over a range ofapplications, but there may be uses where apropeller with a different pitch would be moreappropriate. For a greater operating load, asmaller-pitch propeller is more suitable as itenables the correct engine speed to be main-tained. Conversely, a larger-pitch propeller ismore suitable for a smaller operating load.Yamaha dealers stock a range of propellers,and can advise you and install a propeller onyour outboard that is best suited to your appli-cation.NOTE:Select a propeller which will allow the engineto reach the middle or upper half of the oper-ating range at full throttle with the maximumboat load. If operating conditions such as lightboat loads then allow the engine r/min to riseabove the maximum recommended range, re-duce the throttle setting to maintain the en-gine in the proper operating range.For instructions on propeller removal and in-stallation, see page 54.EMU25770Start-in-gear protectionYamaha outboard motors or Yamaha-ap-proved remote control units are equipped withstart-in-gear protection device(s). This featurepermits the engine to be started only when itis in neutral. Always select neutral beforestarting the engine.Minimum cold cranking amps(CCA/SAE):512.0 AMinimum marine cranking amps(MCA/ABYC):675.0 AMinimum reserve capacity (RC/SAE):182 minutes 1. Propeller diameter in inches2. Propeller pitch in inches3. Type of propeller (propeller mark)ZMU04607-x1 2 3