Basic components23NOTE:If twin engines are installed on your boat, thegauge will only display the total fuel economyof both engines.NOTE: Fuel consumption varies greatly with boatdesign, weight, propeller used, engine trimangle, sea conditions (including wind), andthrottle position. Fuel consumption also var-ies slightly with the type of water (salt, fresh,and contaminate levels), air temperatureand humidity, cleanliness of the boat bot-tom, engine mounting height, skill of the op-erator, and individual gasoline formulation(winter or summer fuel and amount of addi-tives). The Yamaha digital speedometer and fuelmanagement meter calculates speed,miles traveled, and fuel economy by watermovement at the stern of the boat. This dis-tance can vary greatly from the actual dis-tance traveled because of water currents,sea swells, and the condition of the waterspeed sensor (partially plugged or dam-aged). Individual engines may slightly vary in theirfuel consumption due to manufacturingvariations. These variations can be evengreater if the engines are of different yearmodels. In addition, variations in propellers,even of the same basic dimensions of thesame design, can also cause a slight varia-tion in fuel consumption.EMU26780Twin-engine speed synchronizerThis gauge displays the difference in enginespeed (r/min) between the port and starboardengines for reference purposes when syn-chronizing the two engines’ speeds.Press the “ ” (mode) button repeatedlyuntil the indicator on the face of the gaugepoints to “ ” (synchronizer).ZMU017521. Port engine speed is higher2. Port engine speed is slightly higher3. Engine speed is synchronized evenly be-tween port and starboard engines4. Starboard engine speed is slightly higher5. Starboard engine speed is higherZMU01753ZMU0175412345