Operation27EMU26930Mounting height (boat bottom)To run your boat at optimum efficiency, thewater resistance (drag) of the boat and out-board motor must be made as little as possi-ble. The mounting height of the outboardmotor greatly affects the water resistance. Ifthe mounting height is too high, cavitationtends to occur, thus reducing the propulsion;and if the propeller tips cut the air, the enginespeed will rise abnormally and cause the en-gine to overheat. If the mounting height is toolow, the water resistance will increase andthereby reduce engine efficiency. Mount theoutboard motor so that the anti-cavitationplate is in alignment with the bottom of theboat.NOTE: The optimum mounting height of the out-board motor is affected by the boat/motorcombination and the desired use. Test runsat different heights can help determine theoptimum mounting height. Consult yourYamaha dealer or boat manufacturer forfurther information on determining the prop-er mounting height. For instructions on setting the trim angle ofthe outboard motor, see page 33.EMU30172Breaking in engineYour new engine requires a period of break-into allow mating surfaces of moving parts towear in evenly. Correct break-in will help en-sure proper performance and longer enginelife.CAUTION:ECM00800Failure to follow the break-in procedurecould result in reduced engine life or evensevere engine damage.EMU27080Procedure for 4-stroke modelsRun the engine under load (in gear with a pro-peller installed) as follows.1. For the first hour of operation:Run the engine at 2000 r/min or at ap-proximately half throttle.2. For the second hour of operation:Run the engine at 3000 r/min or at ap-proximately three-quarter throttle.3. For the next eight hours of operation:Avoid continuous operation at full throttlefor more than five minutes at a time.4. After the first 10 hours:Operate the engine normally.1. Center line (keel line)ZMU01762