Basic components25Should the overheat warning system of oneengine activate, the engine will slow downand the buzzer will sound. This will cause theother engine to slow down and the buzzer tosound. To switch off the warning activation onthe engine not affected by overheating, turnoff the main switch of the engine overheating.EMU26853Low oil pressure warningIf the oil pressure drops too low, the warningdevice will activate.Activation of warning device The engine speed will automatically de-crease to about 2000 r/min. The low oil pressure warning indicator willlight. The buzzer will sound.If the warning system has activated, stop theengine as soon as it is safe to do so. Checkthe oil level and add oil as needed. If the oillevel is correct and the warning device doesnot switch off, consult your Yamaha dealer.CAUTION:ECM00100Do not continue to run the engine if thelow oil pressure warning indicator is on.Serious engine damage could occur.ZMU01828OFF STARTONOFF STARTONZMU04584