Maintenance592. Always keep the battery in a good state ofcharge. Installing a voltmeter will helpyou monitor your battery. If you will notuse the boat for a month or more, removethe battery from the boat and store it in acool, dark place. Completely rechargethe battery before using it.3. If the battery will be stored for longer thana month, check the specific gravity of thefluid at least once a month and rechargethe battery when it is low.NOTE:Consult a Yamaha dealer when charging orre-charging batteries.EMU30051Connecting the batteryWARNINGEWM00570Mount the battery holder securely in a dry,well-ventilated, vibration-free location inthe boat. Install a fully charged battery inthe holder.CAUTION:ECM01121 Make sure the main switch (on applica-ble models) is “ ” (off) before workingon the battery. Reversal of the battery cables will dam-age the electrical parts. Connect the red battery cable first wheninstalling the battery and disconnect theblack battery cable first when removingit. Otherwise, the electrical parts can bedamaged. The electrical contacts of the batteryand cables must be clean and properlyconnected, or the battery will not startthe engine.Connect the RED battery cable to the POSI-TIVE (+) terminal first. Then connect theBLACK battery cable to the NEGATIVE (-) ter-minal.Connecting an accessory battery (optional)1. Remove the accessory battery couplercover from the outboard motor.2. Connect the accessory battery coupler tothe coupler of the accessory battery ca-ble (optional). Use a connecting cable be-tween the (-) terminals of the startingbattery and accessory battery. See the il-lustrations of the wiring connections. Thiscable must be made from wire thickerthan the starting battery cable.WARNINGEWM00600Use of smaller wire could lead to a fire.1. Red cable2. Black cable3. Battery