69J1D11 8-2123456789Checking the electricalcomponents 8Measuring the peak voltageNOTE:Before troubleshooting the peak voltage,check that all electrical connections are tightand free from corrosion, and that the batteryis fully charged to 12 V.The condition of the ignition system can bedetermined by measuring the peak voltage.Cranking speed is effected by many factors,such as fouled or weak spark plugs, or aweak battery. If one of these factors ispresent, the peak voltage will be lower thanspecification. In addition, if the peak voltageis lower than specification the engine will notoperate properly.WARNINGWhen checking the peak voltage, do nottouch any of the connections of the digitaltester leads.NOTE:• Use the peak voltage adaptor with the digi-tal circuit tester.• When measuring the peak voltage, set theselector on the digital circuit tester to theDC voltage mode.• Connect the positive pin on the peak volt-age adaptor to the positive terminal of thedigital circuit tester.Measuring the lower resistanceWhen measuring a resistance of 10 Ω or lesswith the digital circuit tester, the correct mea-surement cannot be obtained because of theinternal resistance of the tester. To obtain thecorrect value, subtract the internal resistancefrom the displayed measurement.NOTE:Obtain the internal resistance of the digitalcircuit tester by connecting both of its probesand checking the display.ÈCorrect value =displayed measurement – internalresistanceSpecial service tools / Checking the electrical components