FUEL Fuel system4-17 69J1D1110. Turn the engine start switch to ON.11. Measure the throttle position sensor out-put voltage. Adjust the throttle positionsensor B position if out of specification.12. Tighten the synchronizing screw 6 ofcylinder #3 and stop tightening it whenthe throttle position sensor output voltagestarts to change. Similarly, tighten andadjust the synchronizing screw 7 of cyl-inder #5.13. Tighten the starboard throttle stop screw4 until the output voltage is adjusted tospecification as mentioned in step 11,plus 40 mV.14. Attach a synchronizing check tool C asshown to the port #2 throttle body (tofacilitate the monitoring of the throttleplate D movement).Test harness (3 pins): YB-06793Digital multimeter: YU-34899-AThrottle position sensor outputvoltage:Pink (P) – Black (B)660 ± 5 mVThrottle position sensor outputvoltage:Pink (P) – Black (B)700 ± 5 mV