General information11EMU46132Compliance mark andmanufactured date labelEngines affixed with this label conform to theregulations for each country.This label is affixed to the clamp bracket orswivel bracket.Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)Engines affixed with this mark conform tocertain portion(s) of the Australian RadioCommunications Act.ICES-002 Compliance LabelEngines affixed with this mark meet all re-quirements of the Canadian InterferenceCausing Equipment Regulations.Manufactured dateThe manufactured date is stamped on the la-bel for the engines that conform to the regu-lations for U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA). The models that manufac-tured exclusively for the Oceanian countriesmay not have manufactured date on the la-bel.1. Compliance mark and manufactured datelabel locationZMU060401ZMU082121. Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)1. ICES-002 Compliance LabelZMU081901ZMU081911©2017 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.