Components29EMU46750Yamaha Security System (Y-COP)NOTICEECM02461The Yamaha Security System is sold inconformity with the relevant laws andregulations regarding radio wave trans-mission. Therefore, if this product is usedoutside the country where it was sold, itmay violate the laws or regulations re-garding radio wave transmission in thecountry it is used in. For details, consultyour Yamaha dealer.The Yamaha Security System, which pro-tects against theft, consists of the receiverand remote control transmitters. TheYamaha Security System is available fromyour Yamaha dealer. For details, consultyour Yamaha dealer.The engine cannot be started if the securitySET MODE SET MODESETMENUCANCELZMU08526431 21. 6Y8 Multifunction tachometer2. 6Y8 Multifunction speed & fuel meter3. 6YC Multifunction meter4. 6Y9 Multifunction Color Gauge1. Remote control transmitter2. Receiver21ZMU08527©2017 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.