Specifications and requirements21Recommended engine oil grade 2EMU36361Fuel requirementsEMU44791GasolineUse a good quality gasoline that meets theminimum octane requirement. If knocking orpinging occurs, use a different brand of gas-oline or premium unleaded fuel. Yamaharecommends that you use alcohol-free gaso-line (see Gasoline with Ethanol) wheneverpossible.The use of a poor quality gasoline may resultin starting and running problems. If you en-counter drivability problems, which you sus-pect could be related to the fuel you areusing, Yamaha recommends that you switchto a recognized high quality brand of gaso-line, such as a gasoline that is advertised asTop Tier Detergent Gasoline. (North Americaonly) NOTICE: Failure to comply withthese recommendations may also resultin unscheduled maintenance, fuel systemdamage, and internal engine damage.[ECM04480]For North AmericaFor OceaniaNOTICEECM01982 Do not use leaded gasoline. Leadedgasoline can seriously damage the en-gine. Avoid getting water and contaminantsin the fuel tank. Contaminated fuel cancause poor performance or enginedamage. Use only fresh gasoline thathas been stored in clean containers.Gasoline with EthanolTwo types of gasoline are commonly avail-able in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia andNew Zealand for use in automobiles andboats: conventional gasoline without Ethanoland gasoline with Ethanol, which is typicallyreferred to as E10 gasoline. According tofederal regulations, E10 gasoline may con-tain up to 10% Ethanol.A high quality gasoline without Ethanol is thepreferred fuel for your Yamaha outboard mo-ZMU06855122˚F50˚C10440863068SAE APISHSJSL20501032014-10-4-2015W–4020W–4020W–50Recommended fuel:Mid-grade unleaded gasoline(F300CA, LF300CA)Regular unleaded gasoline (F225CA,F250CA, LF225CA, LF250CA)Min. pump octane number (PON):86 (F225CA, F250CA, LF225CA,LF250CA)89 (F300CA, LF300CA)Recommended fuel:Premium unleaded gasoline (F300CA,LF300CA)Regular unleaded gasoline (F225CA,F250CA, LF225CA, LF250CA)Min. research octane number (RON):90 (F225CA, F250CA, LF225CA,LF250CA)94 (F300CA, LF300CA)©2017 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.