3-62CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY CHKADJMeasure the open-circuitvoltage prior to charging.Connect a charged andAMP meter to the batteryand start charging.Make sure that the currentis higher than the standardcharging current written onthe battery.By turning the chargingvoltage adjust dial, set thecharging voltage at 20 24 V.Adjust the voltage so that thecurrent is at the standardcharging level.Monitor the amperage for3 5 minutes to check if thestandard charging current isreached.Set the time according to thecharging time suitable for theopen-circuit voltage.Refer to “Battery conditionchecking steps”.If the current does notexceed the standardcharging current after 5minutes, replace the battery.If charging requires more than 5 hours, it is advisable to check thecharging current after a lapse of 5 hours. If there is any change in theamperage, readjust the voltage to obtain the standard chargingcurrent.Measure the battery open-circuit voltage after leaving the batteryunused for more than 30 minutes.12.8 V or more --- Charging is complete.12.7 V or less --- Recharging is required.Under 12.0 V --- Replace the battery.YES NOYESNONOTE:Voltage should be measured 30minutes after the machine is stopped.NOTE:Set the charging voltage at 16 17 V.(If the setting is lower, charging will beinsufficient. If too high, the battery willbe over-charged.)Charging method using a variable-current (voltage) charger