4-32FRONT AND REAR BRAKES CHAS30 Nm (3.0 mkg, 22 ftlb)WARNINGCAUTION:WARNINGEAS00608ASSEMBLING THE REAR BRAKE MASTERCYLINDER1. Install: brake master cylinder kit circlip dust boot2. Install: copper washers New brake hoses union boltProper brake hose routing is essential to in-sure safe motorcycle operation. Refer to“CABLE ROUTING” in chapter 2.When installing the brake hose onto thebrake master cylinder, make sure the brakepipe touches the projection a as shown.3. Fill: brake fluid reservoir(to the maximum level mark a )Recommended brake fluidDOT 4 Use only the designated brake fluid. Otherbrake fluids may cause the rubber seals todeteriorate, causing leakage and poorbrake performance. Refill with the same type of brake fluid thatis already in the system. Mixing brakefluids may result in a harmful chemicalreaction, leading to poor brake perfor-mance. When refilling, be careful that water doesnot enter the brake fluid reservoir. Waterwill significantly lower the boiling point ofthe brake fluid and could cause vapor lock.