1 - 4GENINFOCHECKING OF CONNECTIONSEB801000CHECKING OF CONNECTIONSCheck the connectors for stains, rust,moisture, etc.1.Disconnect: Connector2.Check: ConnectorMoisture → Dry each terminal with an airblower.Stains/rust → Connect and disconnect theterminals several times.3.Check: Connector leadsLooseness → Bend up the pin 1 andconnect the terminals.4.Connect: Connector terminalsNOTE:The two terminals “click” together.5.Check: Continuity (using a pocket tester)NOTE: If there is no continuity, clean the terminals. When checking the wire harness be sure toperform steps 1 to 3. As a quick remedy, use a contact revitalizeravailable at most part stores. Check the connector with a pocket tester asshown.