9 - 5– +ELECCHECKING THE BULBS AND BULB SOCKETSEB801020CHECKING THE BULBS ANDBULB SOCKETSCheck each bulb and bulb socket for damageor wear, proper connections, and also forcontinuity between the terminals.Damage/wear → Repair or replace the bulb,bulb socket or both.Improperly connected → Properly connect.Incorrect continuity reading → Repair orreplace the bulb, bulb socket or both.TYPES OF BULBSThe bulbs used on this machine are shown inthe illustration on the left. Bulbs A and B are used for headlights andusually use a bulb holder which must bedetached before removing the bulb. Themajority of these bulbs can be removed fromtheir respective socket by turning themcounterclockwise. Bulb C is used for turn signal and tail/brakelights and can be removed from the socketby pushing and turning the bulbcounterclockwise. Bulbs D and E are used for meter andindicator lights and can be removed fromtheir respective socket by carefully pullingthem out.CHECKING THE CONDITION OF THEBULBSThe following procedure applies to all of thebulbs.1.Remove: Bulb