7 - 5CARBCARBURETORSDISASSEMBLING THE CARBURETOROTE:Before disassembling the carburetor, makesure to note the number of times the pilotscrew is turned out from the seated position toits set position.CHECKING THE CARBURETOR1.Check: Carburetor body Float chamberCracks/damage → Replace. Fuel passageContamination → Clean as indicated. Fuel chamber bodyContamination → Clean.***********************************************Cleaning steps: Wash the carburetor in a petroleum basedsolvent.(Do not use any caustic carburetor cleaningsolution.) Blow out all of the passages and jets withcompressed air.***********************************************2.Check: Float 1 Float tang 2Damage → Replace.3.Check: Valve seat 1 Needle valve 2 O-ring 3Contamination/wear/damage → Replace asa set.OTE:Always replace the needle valve and valveseat as a set.