MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE1-23EAM20126MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STOR-AGEEAM30200CAREWhile the open design of a motorcycle revealsthe attractiveness of the technology, it alsomakes it more vulnerable. Rust and corrosioncan develop even if high-quality components areused. A rusty exhaust pipe may go unnoticed ona car, however, it detracts from the overall ap-pearance of a motorcycle. Frequent and propercare does not only comply with the terms of thewarranty, but it will also keep your motorcyclelooking good, extend its life and optimize its per-formance.Before cleaningTIPBe sure to confirm that the vehicle is completelycooled.1. Block or cover the following parts with suit-able measures.• Side cover air intake port “1”• Water pump housing hole at the bottom “2”• Crankcase cover hole at the bottom (left side)“3”• Silencer exhaust port “4”• End of each hose2. Make sure that all caps and covers as well asall electrical couplers and connectors, includ-ing the spark plug cap, are tightly installed.3. Remove extremely stubborn dirt, like oil burntonto the crankcase, with a degreasing agentand a brush, but never apply such productsonto seals, gaskets, sprockets, the drivechain and wheel axles. Always rinse the dirtand degreaser off with water.CleaningNOTICEECA26730• Avoid using strong acidic wheel cleaners,especially on spoked wheels. If such prod-ucts are used on hard-to-remove dirt, donot leave the cleaner on the affected areaany longer than instructed. Also, thorough-ly rinse the area off with water, immediatelydry it, and then apply a corrosion protec-tion spray.• Improper cleaning can damage plasticparts (such as cowlings, panels, wind-shields, headlight lenses, meter lenses,etc.) and the mufflers. Use only a soft, cleancloth or sponge with water to clean plastic.However, if the plastic parts cannot be thor-oughly cleaned with water, diluted mild de-tergent with water may be used. Be sure torinse off any detergent residue using plentyof water, as it is harmful to plastic parts.• Do not use any harsh chemical products onplastic parts. Be sure to avoid using clothsor sponges which have been in contactwith strong or abrasive cleaning products,solvent or thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re-movers or inhibitors, brake fluid, antifreezeor electrolyte.• For motorcycles equipped with a wind-shield: Do not use strong cleaners or hardsponges as they will cause dulling orscratching. Some cleaning compounds forplastic may leave scratches on the wind-shield. Test the product on a small hiddenpart of the windshield to make sure that itdoes not leave any marks. If the windshieldis scratched, use a quality plastic polishingcompound after washing.• When cleaning using either a high-pres-sure cleaning machine or a water hose, donot direct the water jet toward the followingareas:(Otherwise, it could cause eitherdamage due to the water pressure or mal-function due to water entry.)Wheels or swing arm bearingsFork seals or brake sealsElectrical parts, such as couplers, switch-es, battery, etc.Muffler or hosesAir cleaner intake port• Do not clean using a water jet with the seator cover removed.1243