MAINTENANCE INTERVALS3-323 * Front fork• Check operation and for oil leak-age.• Adjust if necessary.• Clean dust seal and lubricate withlithium-soap-based grease. • Replace fork oil. • Replace oil seals. • Replace protector seal. 24 * Shock absorberassembly• Check operation and adjust.• Tighten if necessary. • Lubricate with lithium-soap-basedgrease.(Afterwashingthe motor-cycle orriding inthe rain)25 * Drive chain roller andsupport guide• Check for wear or damage.• Replace if necessary. 26 * Rear suspension• Check operation and tighten ifnecessary. • Lubricate with molybdenum disul-fide grease. 27 * Swingarm pivot bear-ings• Check bearing assemblies forlooseness.• Lubricate with molybdenum disul-fide grease. 28 Sidestand • Lubricate with lithium-soap-basedgrease. 29 * Steering head• Check operation, free play, andtighten if necessary. • Clean and lubricate with lithium-soap-based grease. • Replace bearings. 30 * Tires and wheels• Check tire air pressure, wheelrunout, spokes for looseness, andtires for wear. • Tighten sprocket bolts if neces-sary. • Check wheel bearings for loose-ness. • Lubricate wheel bearings with lith-ium-soap-based grease. • Replace wheel bearings. 31 * Moving parts andcables • Lubricate. 32 * Throttle grip• Check operation.• Check throttle grip free play, andadjust if necessary.• Lubricate cable and grip housing. No. Item Routine Afterbreak-inEveryrace(about 2.5hours)Everythird race(about 7.5hours)Everyfifth race(about 12.5hours)Asrequired