Administrator’s Guide for Yealink VC110 Video Conferencing Endpoint94STUN feature parameters on the endpoint are described below:Parameter Description Configuration MethodActiveEnables or disables the STUN(Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs)feature on the endpoint.Default: DisabledRemote ControlWeb User InterfaceSTUN ServerConfigures the IP address or thedomain name of the STUN (SimpleTraversal of UDP over NATs) server.Default: BlankRemote ControlWeb User InterfaceSTUN PortConfigures the port of the STUN(Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs)server.Default: 3478Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceNAT TraversalConfigures the NAT traversal type.You can configure it for the SIPaccount or SIP IP call separately. Disabled STUN StaticNatDefault: DisabledNote: STUN works only if thisparameter is set to STUN.Web User InterfaceTo configure STUN server via web user interface:1. Click on Network->NAT/Firewall.2. In the STUN Config block, select the desired value from the pull-down list of Active.3. Enter the IP address or the domain name of the STUN server in the STUN Server field.