Administrator’s Guide for Yealink VC110 Video Conferencing Endpoint48Endpoint InitializationOnce you have power on the endpoint, it will begin its initialization process.During the initialization process, the following events take place:Loading the ROM fileThe ROM file sits in the flash memory of the endpoint. Endpoints come from the factory with aROM file preloaded. During initialization, endpoints run a bootstrap loader that loads andexecutes the ROM file.Configuring the VLANIf the endpoint is connected to a switch, the switch will notify the endpoint about the VLANinformation defined on the switch.Querying the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) ServerThe endpoint is capable of querying a DHCP server. DHCP is enabled on the endpoint by default.The following network settings can be obtained from the DHCP server during initialization: IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Primary DNS (Domain Name Server) Secondary DNSYou need to configure the network settings of the endpoint manually if any of them are notprovided by the DHCP server. For more information on configuring network settings manually,refer to Configuring Network Settings Manually on page 61.Endpoint StartupAfter the initializing process, the endpoint will complete startup by cycling the following steps:1. The LED indicator on the VC110 all-in-one unit illuminates solid green.2. The display device displays the boot up screen.3. The camera pans to the middle position automatically.4. The display device displays the setup wizard (when you first start up, or reset the endpoint,the display device will display the setup wizard)For more information on how to complete the setup wizard, refer to Setup Wizard on page49.5. After completing the setup wizard, the display device displays the main screen.The main screen displays the following: Time and date