OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Illumination and contrast procedures Axio Examiner62 M60-2-0003 e 05/2012Axio Examiner.A1/.D1/.Z1 with 45 mmobjective:Use the 11 mm objective adapter for theAxio Examiner.A1.• Lower the objective into the WORK position.• Slide a DIC slider (Figure 4-3/1, see lettering)suitable for the objective into the opening(Figure 4-3/3) provided for this above theobjective in the objective adapter.• Make certain that the DIC slider locks exactlyinto position.Axio Examiner.D1/.Z1 with W Plan-Apochromat 20x/1.0 objective, 75 mmparfocal length:• Insert DIC slider SÉNARMONT 75 W PA (426967-9000-000 or 426967-9070-000) (Figure 4-4/1)into the opening (Figure 4-4/3) provided for it inthe objective mount or turret. Ensure correctorientation as indicated by the DIC sliderlettering.• Put the ball head screwdriver into the recess(Figure 4-4/2) in the DIC slider, and push theDIC slider (Figure 4-4/1) into the slot until itlocks into place.Figure 4-3 Inserting a DIC slider into anobjective adapterFigure 4-4 Inserting a DIC slider into anobjective mount or objectivenosepiece