OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Docking station with TFT display Axio Examiner72 M60-2-0003 e 05/20124.3.2 Menu structureThe menu structure shown below may differ from your microscope's configuration. This menustructure contains the total scope including optional components and menu items which are onlyavailable if you have administrator rights. (Read rights are available only unless you are logged in asan administrator).Tabs in control area3rd levelNavigation bar1st levelHomeMicroscopeSettingsDisplayControlAutomaticUserInfoExtrasComponentsXY ZSoft keysPositionFocusMode ButtonsLeftButtonsRight Stand type LanguageEthernet Misc.Reflector Cond.FocusNavigation bar2nd levelReflector Misc.FirmwareFigure 4-11 Menu structureThe buttons of the first level appear on the far left screen border in the navigation bar (Figure 4-11). Tochange the button assignment in the navigation bar, press either the Microscope, Settings or Displaybuttons.The buttons in the second level of the navigation bar are used to open the tabs assigned to each of them.Press the tabs to display the corresponding buttons in the operator control area.All operator control functions are displayed exclusively either in the operator control area or in a popupwindow.