Axioskop 2 plus INTRODUCTIONAxioskop 2 mot plus Microscopy in a few steps... Carl ZeissB 40-075 e 10/03 0-7Microscopy in a few steps using the example of "Setting of transmitted-light brightfieldaccording to KÖHLER"☞ Please read the instructions regarding instrument safety and the Description (Chapter 1) andStart Up (Chapter 2) chapters before using the Axioskop 2 plus and/or Axioskop 2 mot plusmicroscopes for the first time.(1) As described in chapter 2, the microscope is ready for operation and switched on according tosection 3.3.(2) Place a high-contrast specimen on the mechanical stage (cover slip pointing upwards).(3) Swing in 10x objective on the nosepiece and focus on the specimen; if possible, always movethe specimen away from the objective!(4) Move condenser - e.g. universal condenser 0.9 - (in brightfield position, front lens switched in)to the upper stop position via the condenser drive. The height adjustment must be set in sucha way that the specimen is not touched by the condenser.(5) Close luminous-field diaphragm until it is visible in the field of view, even if not in focus(Fig. 0-1/A).(6) Lower universal condenser 0.9 until the edge of the luminous-field diaphragm appears in focus(Fig. 0-1/B).(7) Center luminous-field diaphragm using centering screws on the condenser carrier (Fig. 0-1/C)and open it until its edge just disappears behind the field of view (Fig. 0-1/D).(8) To set the aperture diaphragm (contrast), remove one eyepiece from the binocular tube andset the aperture diaphragm to approx. 2/3 of the diameter of the objective exit pupil(Fig. 0-1/E). Optimum contrast setting is dependent on the respective specimen.(9) Insert eyepiece again and, if required, refocus on the specimen via fine drive.(10) After each objective change, field size and objective aperture change, which makes itnecessary to repeat steps (5) to (9).(11) For objective magnifications between 1.25x and 5x, the front lens 0.9 of the universalcondenser must be swung out and the aperture diaphragm opened entirely.Fig. 0-1 Diaphragm settings in transmitted-light brightfield according toKÖHLER