OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Illumination and contrasting techniques Axiovert 2003-32 B 40-080 e 03/ Transmitted-light brightfield configuration of the Axiovert 200 MEach Axiovert 200 M microscope can be configured to permit the transmitted-light brightfield technique. Transmitted-light brightfield setting according to KÖHLER on the Axiovert 200 M− Put the Axiovert 200 M in operation as described in chapter 2.− Configure the instrument in the Set mode.− Switch on the instrument and activate the Light Manager (standard setting).The illumination intensity, the reflector turret setting (brightfield position), the condenser settings(position of the turret and aperture diaphragm opening) and the status "transmitted light on or off" arestored by pressing the Set LM key.Motorized microscope components must be activated via the relevant control elements.• Set KÖHLER illumination as described in section 3.3.1 for the Axiovert 200 (manual).• After the last setting item, briefly press the Set LM key on the instrument rear to store the settings. Abrief beep is emitted after release of the key to confirm that the setting has been stored.• The above diaphragm settings must be repeated for all objectives, since the field size and theobjective aperture are changing.